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Who are we?


"Who do you think you are" is a website created by three Designculture and Economy students. We are all on our 3rd semester of the studies. We decided to make this website, containing videos and posts about social media and its influence as school project. Because we think it is important to raise awareness regarding the issues that follows the high standards that many younger people are trying to live up to on social media (especially Instagram).

More people are getting stressed, by the simple fact that they now live two lives. Their real life and their digital life. In their digital lives, everything is perfect, and people are always happy, eating great food and what not. But the reality behind these pictures our generation posts on Instagram is not addressed enough. People forget to live in the moment, and just enjoy their lives. Instead, when sitting in restaurants, more people do the same thing. They make the people they are with, wait to eat, because they want to take a perfect picture of the food. Another example could be how people only posts pictures on their social media, that they think looks good. Being in the perfect clothes, with perfect makeup or striking the perfect pose that makes that person look skinnier. These are just some of the problematics we want to discuss on this website.  


What do we want, with this website?


The purpose of this website is to enlighten the consequences of our use of social media. We will talk about the absurd standards that we sometimes feel we have to live up to, because of the influences we follow.. The truth is that 90% of the time, those people may not even look as their photos. They edit their photos by adjusting lighting, putting filters on and even making themselves thinner, with a bigger bust or/and butt. Besides the problem that the young generations try to live up to these standards, is that the people who do adjust their pictures, ends up living a false reality, and having low self-esteem instead of just accepting themselves as they are, and being happy.

This was written  by Barbara Pedersen

A little about the creators


Barbara Francisco Pedersen

  • Instagram

Barbara works two part time jobs, beside her studies. She is half Danish and half Brasilian. In her free time she likes to meet with friends for a glass of wine or just being at home watching movies. She is passionate about fashion and fashion has always spoken to her from a young age. She started studying fashion in Brasil but ended in the Design Culture and Economy class on Syddansk Universitet in Kolding. 

Her instagram use is high. It is one of the first things she opens in the morning and the last things she does before she goes to bed.


Izabella Andersen

  • LinkedIn Social Ikon

Izabella is born and raised in Denmark and she works as a waitress beside her studies. Izabella has a passion for journalism, and has a dream of writing about lifestyle and fashion in the future.

She likes everything that sparkles and there can never be enough glitter. Izabella is the exception to the rule. She does not have an Instagram account nor does she plan on having one. 


Michele Custovic

  • Instagram

Michele works part-time as a tailor. She originates from Bosnia and herzegovinia but has lived her whole life in Denmark. She has always been interested in design and fashion which led her to pursue an education and career in Designculture and economics. Michele instagram use is moderate, she posts photos at least once a week and always try to take new photos for her account when she goes somewhere new.

Who do you think you are?

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